Harsh Verma

I'm passionate "Senior Staff Software Engineer in AI|ML !!"

Personal Details

Email: harshverma59@gmail.com

Based in: San Francisco Bay Area(CA), United States

Languages: English, Hindi

I Love to work in

#Let’s talk AI !! "Future belongs to those who see possibilities before they become obvious" : 7+ years of versatile experience in startup Tech Industry. Harsh Believes in three P's of professional life : passion, persistence and people to learn, grow, solve problems mutually. Harsh's zeal to make things happen defines him as "Researcher by passion 💻 & Entreprenour at heart !! 🖤

About Me

About Picture

"The best time for new beginnings is now !!"

AI | Deep Learning | NLP | Computer Vision | Distributed Big Data Machine Learning Engineering | Speaker.

• Experience and Expertise in Machine Learning, Big Data, NLP, Deep Learning and Computer Vision.
• Big Data : Recommendation systems, Data Pipeline Google cloud platform, Spark, Kafka and Hadoop.
• Passionate about building intelligent machines and distributed system designs.
• Master's in Computer Science with specialization in Big Data Science, ingraining into core aspects of Natural Language Processing(NLP), Machine Learning(ML) and Artificial Intelligence(AI).
• Enthusiastic about Entrepreneurship, Startup culture and Data product companies.
• Love to learn new technologies, meet people, manage events and share experiences.
• Linkedin Campus Editor for University of Texas.
• Building strong network relations. Always open to talk about Ideas, Research, Entrepreneurship, Conference events and Data/Machine learning solutions.

Professional Communities Association

What I Work on !!

As a Machine Learning Researcher experienced in all stages of the development cycle for data driven projects, I work at intersection of Data Science and Data Engineering.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

“Robots will be able to do everything better than us…I am not sure exactly what to do about this."

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Big Data Science & Engineering

"Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.”

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Computer Vision, NLP, Deep Learning

"If you're using a computer as an artist and expressing your personal vision, I think your personal vision comes through."

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Software Developement

"Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live."

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Project Management

“Being a Project Manager is like being an artist, you have the different colored process streams combining into a work of art.”

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System Design

"Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but rather when there is nothing more to take away."

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My Experience & Expertise

"Each Day Count towards Big Dreams !!"
Aug 2020 - Present (Santa Clara, CA, USA) | Palo Alto Networks
Senior Staff Software Engineer in AI|ML

• Currently Working at the intersection of Cybersecurity, Big Data Science and Engineering.
• Firewall ML, Cloud Services.
• Big Data Engineering Platform.
• Security policy improvement and Recommedation Engine.

Tech Stack: Security, Machine Learning, Spark, Kafka, Big Data, GCP

Sept 2019 - Jan 2020 (TX, USA) | Hypergiant Sensory Science
Machine Learning Engineer

• Research, Test Design face Detection Module.
• Developing Time Range Auto setting utility for ground truth Object Detection Module.
• Research and build video and images similarity modules.

Tech Stack: Python3, Faiss, Pytorch, Resnet-30, Object Detection Algorithms, Computer Vision, Machine Learning

May 2019 - Aug 2019 (Santa Clara, CA) | Palo Alto Networks
Big Data Software Engineering- Intern

•Big Data ML frameworks Development : Building Distributed Machine Learning System for Multi App-Id prediction over massive traffic logs.

Tech Stack: Scala, Java, Python3, Tensor-flow, Google-ML, Elastic-Search, Spark, Hadoop, Google Cloud Platform

May 2015 - July 2018 (New Delhi, India) | Hike Messenger
Software Engineer

• Exploring and diving into various aspects of Big-Data Technologies and Machine Learning.
• Modular Auto-Deployment Pipeline for various projects(Jenkins, fabric, Supervisor).
• Developed Content visualisation console(WT-Forms, Python, Flask, HTML, CSS, JS).
• Server/Tools & Engineering Development.

Tech Stack: Java, Python, Redis, Mongo-DB, Kafka, influx-dB, Jenkins, Data Driven Development, Machine Learning, FastText for text, densenet for images.

Feb 2014 - March 2015 (India) | Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox Ambassador

• Bridge the Gap between college and Firefox new upcoming Technology , Firefox OS.
• Manage and organise University level Firefox events

Management Stack: Program management, Event Organizer, Firefox OS, Firefox Tech Tools

Jan 2020 - May 2020 (TX, USA) | Worlds Enterprises Inc.
Machine Learning Engineer

• Developing Real time streaming Object Tracking, Detection and Analysis Machine Learning System.
• Design and Improve MOTA of various object tracking algorithms building an end to end metrics evaluation pipeline system.

Tech Stack: Python, Spark, ML-Engine, TensorFlow, Deepshot YOLO-V3, Object Detection, Computer Vision, Deep learning

Aug 2019 - Jan 2020 (TX, USA) | University of Texas at Dallas
Graduate Research Assistant

• Worked as an individual researcher under prof Dr. Latifur Khan (Big Data Lab) in the area of secure IOT, Big Data, DroneTech, DeepLearning, Edge Computing, Real Time Systems.

Tech Stack: IOT, Drone-tech, DeepLearning, Big Data, Spark-ML, NLP

Sept 2018 - April 2019 (TX, USA) | UT-Design : @Relience Jio
Faculty Advisor & Software Developer

• Mentored Senior undergrad students to build a real time application solving challenges in Medical domain using Machine learning, Blockchain, Big Data.
• Developed Data Collection Analytics and Events(DCAE) Module.

Tech Stack: Java, Python3, AWS

Jan 2015 - April 2015 (India) | Indian Space Research Organization
Research & Developement Engineer- Intern

• Worked on research-cum-development under eminent scientist 'Dr. Harish Chandra Karnatak'. • Key Research Areas : Big Data Analytics in GIS.
• Database management and Integration of Modular Maps using Open Layer API, Geo-server, PostgreSQL.
• API's to trace any location coordinate to enable specific data download and analysis, Implementation of Bhuvan and Google maps API in navigation search framework.

Tech Stack: Advance Java, J-Query, Web Developement, HTML5, PostgreSQL

June 2013 - July 2013 (India) | Indian Opto Electronics Factory
Software Developer Intern

• IT Department Data Management, Information security and website management.

Tech Stack: PHP, HTML-5, CSS, JavaScript, Java

Design and Management Skills
Web Designing
Project Management
System Design
Team and Time Management
Technical Skills
Machine Learning Researcher
Software Developement
Big Data Engineering
Data Science (AI, ML, NLP, CV, DL)


On Time Project Delieveries

1 +

Project Succesfully Accomplished

30 +

Professional Connections

0 +

Years of Versatile Experience

Ideate, Innove, Inspire & Impart !

"Thoughts considered while builing products"

Skill Set

Without requirements or design, programming is the art of adding bugs to an empty text file. -- Louis Srygley


Work & Past Projects

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. -- Steve Jobs

Worked on versatile software developement and Machine learning projects, some of them could be found as featured below !

Words that Matter

Testomonial (What Professional Say !!)

Showing that if a good face is a letter of recommendation, a good heart is a letter of credit.

Honors & Awards

Few of my Professional Achievement are featured here !!


Honored for speaking on developed Performance Tool HikeRunner at @#ATAGTR2017 http://agiletestingalliance.org/agileBlogs/atagtr2017-meet-our-speaker-series-harsh-verma/

Open Data Science Conference(ODSC) Boston

Selected to present the published research work on Secure Real-Time Heterogeneous IoT Data Management System vision paper at Open Data Science Conference ODSC(https://odsc.com/).

Life Page India

Honored to Interview with Life Page India to share experiences and talk about software development process http://www.lifepage.in/.

Uttarakhand Technical University

Awarded Certificate of merit for securing 3rd Rank in Uttarakhand Technical university B.Tech(Hons) CSE program(2011-2015).

Mozilla Firefox

Appreciated for being Firefox Student Ambassador bridging the gap between campus and Mozilla firefox organization


Awarded Certificate of Merit from CBSE Board to be among top 0.1% of Achievers.


Patent & Published Research Papers

Few featured patent and published research papers are mentioned below!

COVID-19 Preventive Automated Entry Point

COVID Preventive Automated Entry Point (COPAEP) is an integrated system which incoporates a definite number of subsystems each enabling checks and/or preventive actions against the most obvious symptoms of coronavirus.

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Real Time Analytics Performance Load Scaling

In this paper, the focus is on an analytical load testing tool and approach used for load testing various services supporting any protocol. The tool approach comprises robust modular design pattern, scalable for incorporating any new test plan for a load test.

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Secure Heterogeneous IoT Data Management System

The Paper envision the aspects of complexity dealing with real time data from various devices in parallel, building solution to ingest data from different IOT devices and forming a secure platform to process data in a short time using various techniques of IOT edge computing.

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Latest Tech News(TechQuickie) & Blog

I pen down important Tech news articles and tech blogs to share my project journey challenges and outcomes, Follow the same as featured below !!

Contact Me

Have an amazing startup Idea, research, event/conference where you would like to meet and talk; feel free to drop me a message or reach out at undermentioned details


If you want to connect via call kindly send an email request

Avaliable on Request

I usually respond within 24 hours :)


San Francisco-Bay Area, California, USA

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